Edmund Parsons Death Notice “Chief”

It is with deep regret we inform you of the passing of Ed "Chief" Parsons on January 10, 2019.
Please join in celebrating the life of Ed “Chief” Parsons on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at the Lenola Firehouse, 229 N. Lenola Rd., Moorestown, NJ at 2pm, followed by gathering and reception until 7pm.
If interested in participating in the FLAG LINE as the Nam Knights escort the funeral procession in, meet at the entrance of Lenola Firehouse at 1:15pm. Flag line to be in place by 1:40pm.
Ed “Chief” Parsons - Army Vet, Retired Chief of Police, Past President & Life member of Nam Knights of America MC (Del Val Chapter), 20+ year member of the American Legion, Past President Square Circle Sportsmen Club, and member of Medford Masons.
Edmund Thomas Parsons was the embodiment of the American Dream. A soldier, a Chief of Police, member of the Medford Mason’s Lodge, Two-Time President of the Square Circle Sportsmen, and Past-President of the Nam Knights Motorcycle club (NK CHIEF). Father to 2 sons: Derik and Sean, 2 daughters: Roux and Nicole and husband of 32 years to his devoted, strong, and beautiful wife Mickey. He was also a brother in an Irish-Catholic family that is just far too large to list. He spent his life leading, helping, and laughing with others. Ed was the definition of charisma and a magnet for every room he walked into. He will be missed not because he is gone, but because of what he added to every occasion in life. He was however bigger than life, and his family, to whom he gave a better life than he had, will honor and forever revere their rock, their lion, their Chief.
A memorial service will be held on February 2, at the Lenola Firehouse, 229 North Lenola Rd., Moorestown New Jersey at 2pm followed by a gathering time and reception until 7pm. In lieu of flowers, please make donations towww.FoldsofHonor.org , which provides scholarships to family members of fallen soldiers in honor Ed Parsons.