On May 24,2016 Cherry Hill West held their annual ceremony for the NJ-781 AFJROTC. The ceremony consisted of both National and local awards. Presenters ranged from retired Air Force Command Sargent Majors to members of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Post 372 was honored to be there to hand out two awards that evening.

The first award was for the American Legion Scholastic Award. This award is giving to a cadet who ranked in the top 10% of the high school class, who ranked in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class and who also demonstrated leadership qualities and actively participated in student activities. This year’s award went to Cadet Margaret McCurdy.

The second award was for the American Legion General Military Excellence. The criteria for this award is: rank in the top 25% of their AFJROTC class and demonstrates outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. This year’s award went to Cadet Daniel Carpenter
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